Exterior shots of crowds of people walking in front of the Capitol Building, which is decked out in large Stars and Stripes flags ready for the...00:50
President Barack Obama finishes his second inaugural speech Barack Obama Sworn Into Office for Second Term at US Capitol West Front on January 21,...01:38
Part 4 of U.S. President Barack Obama's inaugural address Barack Obama Sworn Into Office for Second Term at US Capitol West Front on January 21, 2013...03:10
Obama Inauguration Speech, Crowds, Wide shot Obama Inauguration 2013 on January 21, 2013 in Washington, District of Columbia00:06
/ President Barack Obama takes the oath of Office and is sworn in by Chief Justic John Roberts. U.S. Presidential Election 2013 at US Capitol steps...01:48
Crowds Wait For Obama's Inaugural Address After His Reelection on January 21, 2013 in Washington, DC00:59
United States President Barack Obama speaks at the Eastern North Eastern Regional Inaugural Ball.00:52
January 20, 2009 Crowd on the National Mall at the inauguration of Barack Obama / Washington DC / AUDIO00:12
President Barack Obama being sworn by Chief Justice John G. Roberts at inauguration with wife Michelle and daughters Sasha and Malia at his side /...01:12
Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts administers the oath-of-office to U.S. President Barack Obama on January 20, 2009.00:39
January 20, 2009 California senator Dianne Feinstein introduces President Barack Obama as he arrives to be sworn in by Chief Justice John Roberts at...02:10
January 20, 2009 President Barack Obama giving inaugural speech and waving to crowd/ Washington, DC01:49
January 18, 2009 Spectators watching as large screens show Garth Brooks performing at the 'We Are One' concert on the National Mall to celebrate the...00:10