Fallujah: US forces control 70% of city: Iraqi soldiers captured

Fallujah: US forces control 70% of city: Iraqi soldiers captured; POOL Fallujah: EXT MS US tank forming part of the cordon around the city PAN another CMS US soldier looking through binoculars CMS Captain Griffin (US Marines) interview SOT - Not seen anyone come out of the city yet Karma: CBV Iraqi insurgent fighter holding rocket propelled grenade launcher CMS SIDE Rebel fighter laying prone at machine gun CBV Insurgent with rocket propelled grenade launcher LBV Insurgents firing mortars BV More ditto
Fallujah: US forces control 70% of city: Iraqi soldiers captured; POOL Fallujah: EXT MS US tank forming part of the cordon around the city PAN another CMS US soldier looking through binoculars CMS Captain Griffin (US Marines) interview SOT - Not seen anyone come out of the city yet Karma: CBV Iraqi insurgent fighter holding rocket propelled grenade launcher CMS SIDE Rebel fighter laying prone at machine gun CBV Insurgent with rocket propelled grenade launcher LBV Insurgents firing mortars BV More ditto

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Editorial n.º:
Fecha de creación:
10 de noviembre de 2004
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Derechos exprés
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG SD 720x576 25i
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576 25i
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