Escuela de peces dos punto pargo (Lutjanus biguttatus) y grandes ojos pargo (lutjanus Lujanus) - Vídeo de stock HD

Coral reefs are the one of earths most complex ecosystems, containing over 800 species of corals and one million animal and plant species. Here we see a shallow coral reef consisting mainly of hard corals supporting shoals of Two Spot Snapper (Lutjanus biguttatus) and Bigeye Snapper (Lujanus lutjanus). The large school of fish group together as a means of protection from predators. This is a typical animal behaviour that ensures the species survival. The location are the Bida Islands, Phi Phi Archipelago, Andaman Sea, Krabi, Thailand.
Coral reefs are the one of earths most complex ecosystems, containing over 800 species of corals and one million animal and plant species. Here we see a shallow coral reef consisting mainly of hard corals supporting shoals of Two Spot Snapper (Lutjanus biguttatus) and Bigeye Snapper (Lujanus lutjanus). The large school of fish group together as a means of protection from predators. This is a typical animal behaviour that ensures the species survival. The location are the Bida Islands, Phi Phi Archipelago, Andaman Sea, Krabi, Thailand.
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AR$ 329.200,00


Creative n.º:
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Creatas Video
Tamaño máx. archivo:
1920 x 1080 px - 594 MB
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No se precisa autorización
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QuickTime 8-bit Photo-JPEG HD 1920x1080 30p